What does the phrase 'from glory to glory' mean?
The glory of the Lord is not only in His person, but also in His work. Though glory is His dwelling, He divests himself of glory and takes up a humble fashion as a man. He endures the shame of the cross for fallen mankind, and nowhere does His moral glory shine brighter than on the cross. By means of His finished work at Calvary, the Lord Jesus is able to bring many sons to glory (Heb 2:10), and it is His desire that we may behold His glory.
"When one is being praised and honored he seems to be glorified, whereas in fact his feet tread on floating clouds. We need to remember that all glories which come from men are but vainglories. Once a renowned English scholar wrote a famous novel. One day he was invited to a feast by a duke. At the table, a woman of nobility profusely praised his novel. The author stood up and said to the woman that she was not qualified to praise his book. He considered her praise to be disgraceful. Who, then, is worthy to praise us? Apart from our Lord, no one is worthy. When we are praised by men, we have already been downgraded, so why should we lust after it? We will not accept men's praise nor seek for such praise if our mind is set on the future and our heart seeks to hear the Lord say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant' (Matthew 25:21)."
Watchman Nee, From Glory to Glory
In From Glory to Glory, Watchman Nee delves into what is meant by the phrase "from glory to glory." Beginning with the name of Jehovah, Nee's study demonstrates that man's only sin is falling short of God's glory. Throughout the book, Nee continuously brings the reader back to God's great love for us and mercy toward us. From Glory to Glory is more than a study of Scripture; it is an encouraging glimpse at the Father's great heart.