New Believers, take heed!
How tempted we Christians are to hotly pursue after the weighty yet woefully neglect the fundamental! New believers need instruction not only in what the truths actually are, they likewise need it in what they are not. Knowing the truth keeps us growing and maturing as Christians, while instruction in what truths are not will keep us from falling.
"As we prostrate ourselves before God we shall receive light and see our true condition. Many things happen to us in a given day. Let us bow our heads adn accept them, saying, 'O Lord, Your ordering is the best.' Many cattle and sheep do not know their herder or shepherd; they only see the rod and the staff in the latters hands. Our looking at environments will only create disturbance—yea, even anger and bad temper. But our seeing that all is given by the Sherpherd of our souls will bring in rest. Everything can be resolved if we accept the discipline of the Holy Spirit and the ordering of God."
Watchman Nee, Take Heed
Take Heed deals exclusively with the elementary though nonetheless quite fundamental issues of the Christian life. All of these matters need to be understood and to become settled issues in the early years of our Christian life, otherwise we will not be able to make much progress spiritually. These lessons are given with the sole purpose of helping new believers to walk in truth and love, without any intention on the part of Nee to be negative in his presentation of them.
Warning and encouragement, admonition and discipline, the lessons of Take Heed are foundational, a boon for every new believer who discovers them.