Previously titled God’s Will, Our Dwelling Place
“In the will of God, we have the perfect expression of His divine perfection. Because He is the fountain of all beauty and blessedness, His will is inconceivably beautiful and blessed.”
Andrew Murray, Thy Will Be Done
Creation finds its origin, existence, happiness, power, and glory in the will of God. Redemption also finds its origin, maintenance, blessedness, power, and glory in God’s will. And the life of grace in the heart owes its origin, maintenance, blessedness, power, and its glory to the will of God. So the one thing a Christian needs is to continually live in the will of God!
Do You Daily Pray ‘Thy Will Be Done’?
Andrew Murray’s Thy Will Be Done gives readers a glimpse of the blessings, power, and provision held in the will of God, about which too many Christians know almost nothing. From surrendering my will for His, to the glory of God’s will, this book has wisdom for believers both young and old. Thy Will Be Done holds the keys to knowing God’s will and the miraculous Christian life that unfolds when we live by and for His will.
“The great reason why God’s children do not claim or yield themselves, by the Spirit of God, to work all His will in them is that they do not know how foolish it is to attempt to do His will without the aid and instruction of the Spirit. Even the regenerate man is helpless to do God’s will without the direct and unceasing operation of God’s Spirit. Another reason is because they do not know the subtle and altogether unconquerable power of our corrupt nature, unless God Himself, through His Son and Spirit, lives and works in the innermost recesses of their being and inspires all its powers. If you learn the first lesson well—the secret aversion of your nature to God’s will and your complete inability to overcome or to change it—you are ready to go on to the second.”
Andrew Murray, Thy Will Be Done
Come check out the Shulamite Podcast where we discuss this amazing book.