
Harry Foster

Normal Christian Life Study Guide

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The Normal Christian Life Study Guide by Harry Foster

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The Normal Christian Life Study Guide: A Must-Have for Church Groups, Bible Studies, and Sunday Schools

"I have done my best to draw attention to salient factors in each chapter by means of some preliminary comments. Then after listing the chapter's subheadings, I have added ten questions designed to provoke thought and possible discussion. If these are used in a study group, then the leader should not form a mental image of the correct answer in every case with the aim of leading the rest into concurrence with him. Rather he should act as coordinator and reviewer, expecting light to come through from God as the various topics are commented on or even questioned. The important thing is to avoid contention, wrong dogmatism and unreality, and to maintain hearts and minds always open to the instruction and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God."
Harry Foster, The Normal Christian Life Study Guide

Designed for both individuals and small groups, The Normal Christian Life Study Guide is a dynamic tool for Watchman Nee's The Normal Christian Life (CLC edition). Thought-provoking questions draw attention to salient points in Nee's classic book and encourage reflection and discussion. All page references are specifically keyed to the CLC Publications Trade Paperback edition, though the questions themselves are pertinent to all editions of Nee's bestselling book.

As you study The Normal Christian Life, please keep in mind that these teachings were never intended as a systematic treatise of Christian doctrine. Nee's only interest was the enlightenment and spiritual growth of God's people. He spoke from his heart to yours. Please keep this fact in mind as you study its chapters.