
Watchman Nee

Better Covenant, The

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The Better Covenant by Watchman Nee

What is the better covenant?

The New Covenant is full of God's grace. In order to enjoy such grace, each believer who belongs to the Lord must know what this New Covenant is. How sad that so many Christians today neither appreciate nor understand just what the New Covenant entails. The Better Covenant beautifully and clearly illustrates that it ensures the following:

  • Our sins are forgiven 
  • Our consciences regain peace
  • We are able to obey God
  • We are able to please God
  • We can commune with God directly
  • We can know God intimately

Without the New Covenant, we have no assurance of forgiveness, no power to obey and to do God's will, and no inward fellowship with God and deep knowledge of Him.

The Better Covenant is a collection of messages by Watchman Nee intended to provide a deeper understanding of the New Testament covenant. Even so, the New Covenant is such a comprehensive study that we cannot exhaust its richness with our limited learning, experience and words. Our earnest prayer is that God would enable us to know something of the New Covenant and lead us into its spiritual reality.

"Each time we notice a promise in the word of God, we ought to pray fervently till the Spirit of God rises within us and makes us feel that this promise is meant for us. If it is unconditional we should immediately exercise faith to receive it, trusting that God will do what He has promised to us and commencing to praise and thank Him. But if this promise is conditional, we need first to fulfill the requirement and then pray that God perform according to His faithfulness and righteousness. Pray till faith springs up from within; then cease praying and begin praising God. It shall not be long before we see God's promise being realized."
Watchman Nee, The Better Covenant